American Campuses: Cause For Alarm?
Pro-Israel Jews across the spectrum agree that concern is warranted, but differ on what constitutes anti-Semitism.
03/03/15 Doug Chandler Jewish Week Correspondent
A student at the University of Ohio recalls the heated moments when she
and three of her classmates were arrested last September while
protesting the fiercely anti-Israel rhetoric of a fellow student, the
president of the Student Senate.
A young woman at the University of New Mexico worries about grade
reprisals from professors who routinely denounce the Jewish state and
don’t like her pro-Israel views.
Other students recall the appearance of swastikas on a Jewish
fraternity house (at Emory University last fall), fake eviction notices
slipped under the dorm-room doors of Jewish peers (at New York
University last spring), and the refusal of some Palestinian students to
engage in any sort of dialogue with pro-Israel classmates.
Those and other scenes make up the meat of a new documentary, “Crossing
the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus,” screened at a
special showing last week at the 92nd Street Y.
Presented by Jerusalem U, a pro-Israel group that seeks to promote
Jewish education and identity through film, the documentary was followed
by a panel discussion that included Eric Fingerhut, president and CEO
of Hillel International, and three of the students who appear in the work.
Read the full story here.